Monday, December 14, 2015

Lessons from the manger PART II: Worship

What I've been learning: Last year I never got sick.  This year there have been many days when I've had a runny nose, or a cough.  Wednesday through Friday of last week was the worst yet.  I was having so many stomach pains and issues eating.  On Friday we went to Yve's school to have our Christmas party.  I threw up while we were there.  The only thing I had eaten was soda crackers.  I had to leave early.

I was curled up in a tiny ball in my bed, wondering how and if I should take a trip to the hospital.  The thought of sitting in a waiting room with the stomach pains sounded awful and miserable.  One of my friends suggested I take parasite medicine.  When I looked up the symptoms of parasites, I assumed she was right.  I went next door to the pharmacy and bought the two pills.

The rest of Friday was spent sleeping in bed.  I was upset.  Why did I get parasites during the busiest time of the year?  I had to miss out on the fun activities at Yve's school.  I made plans over the weekend to host various Christmas functions.  I couldn't eat any of the sweet treats.  I had hardly any energy.  But as I lay in bed, I had a little revelation:

I was learning to praise and worship God even when my circumstances sang a different song.  

I plugged through the activities of the weekend.  Saturday afternoon girls from the youth group at church came over for a tarde de chicas.  Sunday we took our watchie out to lunch and then had one of Christin's friends over for pizza dinner.  Even though I was tired, we prayed and talked and God's name was glorified.

The story of the birth of Jesus is full of examples of people worshiping.  I imagine that the shepherds and wisemen were probably rather tired from making the journey to find Jesus, but they praised Him.  They praised Him with GREAT JOY.  They presented Him with gifts.  They gave Jesus all they had.  This holiday season, are you giving with all you have?  Even when it's inconvenient or challenging, people are watching.

When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.  And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him: and when they had opened their treasured, they presented him with gifts. Matthew 2:10-11 

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. Luke 2:20 

It is easier to worship with others.  Christin helped so much this weekend.  She cleaned the apartment, and she got up early to mop.  She helped make the food and was such a positive light, just like the group of angels.

Luke 2:13-14 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

Take these next few weeks to share the reason we celebrate.  Pray with someone you've never prayed with before.  Take time at Christmas dinner to actually read the Bible story.  Spread joy to a neighbor that needs it.  What song are you singing this Christmas season?  Make sure it's one that glorifies Jesus. 

Sharing the Nativity Story

*forgot to post on Thursday*

What we've been doing: For the past month at Yve's school we have been doing the story of the birth of Jesus with the students.  First, our students shared the story and taught them vocabulary related to the nativity story.

We have been using TPR (Total Physical Response) with the students.  They do the action and say the word.  For the Christmas story we taught them: "vamos" "estrella" "Dios" "bebe Jesus" "ver/mirar" "dormir" "tienes miedo" and "feliz" Each time we went to the school we practiced those words with the students.

Then, the Haitian students were assigned parts.  The little ones were the animals and angels.  They colored masks for the animals in the barn.  They were very proud of the masks they colored.  The older ones had main speaking parts.

Each of our students worked with a couple of the students at the school.  They mentored and practiced the script with them.  This year it worked much better because we had three more people to help out.

Last week we went back to film the kids.  We had to make a few last minute casting changes since a couple of the students were sick.

Here's the link to the Youtube video final product!

Tomorrow we are going to show the video and have a little Christmas party.  We are going to make simple Christmas cards with them, eat cookies, and celebrate.  We wanted to bless the teachers for Christmas.  After filming last week we went to the store and got mugs for the teachers.  These mugs were filled with candy and some money.  The kids made cards to go along with them.

The Bible study I go to on Mondays did a service project this semester and bought Creole Bibles for the teachers.  Michelle asked me if I wanted to deliver them, so I also get the joy of handing out the Bibles.  It will be their first Bible for some of them.  It will also be the first Bible for all of them in their native language.  What a neat gift.

How are you sharing the story of the birth of Jesus?

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Lego Movie

What we've been doing: A month ago my mom found these awesome Lego character sets.  I had been wanting a bunch of Lego people because I thought they would be perfect for acting out war battles, or scenes from books.  She sent one superhero and villain set, and one set that had normal people.

The boys finished a novel called Dragon's Gate by Laurence Yep.  It is about a young boy, Otter, who is from China.  He makes a journey to the US to help build the transcontinental railroad with his dad and uncle.  This is their Lego movie based off the book.

I gave them two options.  They could either recreate a chapter, or they could recreate a shorter summary of the whole book.  They chose do to the whole book.  It was taking really long, though, so we had to cut out some scenes they had planned.

If I were to reteach this assignment I would have them focus on a theme and pick out scenes that represent the theme.  Or I could have them focus on a character and pick out events that changed that character to give the project more depth than just a summary.

We used a free app called My Stop Motion to create the movie.  It was easy for the boys to figure out how to use it.  I liked it much better than Flipagram because we could save directly to the camera roll.  The boys added sounds and voices in iMovie.

The boys loved creating the movie.  There was some bickering between brothers throughout the process, but overall they had a great time.  I snapped this picture of them adding the voices to the movie.  They were smiling and giggling.  


Here's the link to the Youtube video.

THANK YOU MOM for always sending me exactly what I need.  Even from many miles away you help and serve me so very much.  I am forever grateful (and so are the boys, even if they do not express it). :) 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Lessons from the manger PART I: Do not fear

What I've been reading: This year I have been art journaling with the boys for Bible class.  This week I am studying the story of the birth of Jesus.  Different themes and lessons kept popping out at me, so I decided to create a mini "Lessons for the Manger" blog series over the next two weeks.

I've been feeling convicted lately about the meaning of Christmas.  Too often we focus on Santa, on the perfect Christmas decorations, on buying the best and most expensive presents for everyone.  This Christmas season I want to remember and focus on Jesus and the incredible God who sent Him to earth.

One of the first things I noticed while reading the story was how many times the phrase "DO NOT FEAR" appears in this Bible story.  An angel told Joseph to not fear, an angel to Mary to not fear, angels told the shepherds to not fear, an angel told Zacharias not to fear, and although the Bible doesn't mention this, I bet someone had to tell the wise men not to fear, also.

Our world is filled with so much sadness.  I see posts daily about war, shootings, and death.  Sometimes I am so filled with fear about traveling back to the US.  I get worried about a terrorist attack or a mass shooting.  I worry about my future.  Where will I work next year?  Where will I be living next year?  When will I meet my husband?  Reading these verses fills me with peace.  There are troubles in the world, but God has overcome them.  The angels remind me: DO NOT FEAR.

And the angel said unto them, fear not; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:10 

But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, fear not to take Mary as thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. Matthew 1:20 

And the angel said to her, "Fear not, Mary, for though has found favor with God." Luke 1:30 

Another thing I noticed while I was reading the Bible story was how intertwined and connected the birth of Jesus and the birth of John the Baptist were.  Elizabeth was also miraculously filled with a child, just like Mary.  Mary had this wonderful friendship with Elizabeth (to be expanded on in Part IV of the Lessons from the Manger series).  There are many similarities between the two families.  Elizabeth's husband, Zacharias, also had to be told those two words: FEAR NOT

But the angel said unto him, "Fear not Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shall call his name John." Luke 1:13 

Today we can step out in confidence and be filled with God's amazing peace.  No matter what is going on in our lives, Jesus fills us with peace.  We do not need to be full of fear.

For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship.  And by him we cry, Abba.  Father.  Romans 8:15

Con mucho amor.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The time I felt muy Dominicana

What I've been doing: Last week I took a moto (short for motorcycle) home.  I arrived at the area where the motos congregate, and there was only one left.  I hopped on the back and told him where I lived.  He was super polite, and he was a careful driver.  When he dropped me off, he asked if I had a moto de confianza, or a motorcycle driver that I trust and use frequently.  I said no, and he told me to put his number in my phone.

Rosa's chauffeur is named Pedro.  He drives us around for our field trips.  Last year I had a taxi driver, and his name is Pedro.  I figured it was a good sign that this moto driver's name is also Pedro.  God continually sends the right people in my life to protect and watch out for me.

This week I was heading to dinner with some friends.  I had just payed an insane amount of money for a taxi home from the store ($450 RD or $10), and I was running late.  I didn't have time to walk and catch a public car ($20 RD or $0.44 US).  So I called Pedro the moto driver.  He remembered exactly where I lived and actually showed up in 5 minutes when he said he would.  Typically when a taxi driver or moto says 5 minutes, it is a Dominincan 5 minutes.  AKA they show up in 15.

Since I was going out to dinner I wore my wedges and got on back of the moto.  As we were riding down 27 de Febrero (one of the main streets by my house), a guy that worked for a family I knew last year rolled down his window to say hello.  I was on back of the moto and he was in the car next to us, and we were having a conversation.

I felt so Dominican, on the back of the moto, all dressed up, having a conversation with a Dominican driver.

The best part?  It cost me $50 pesos or $1 US to get from my apartment to the restaurant.
It is crazy how much this country feels like home now.  It is crazy how much I have grown in my time here.  Last year I never took motos and public cars, but this year I do (only when it's light out and safe mom - don't worry!).  God continually pushes me outside of my comfort zone.  He is protecting me and watching over me.  I also lean into Him much more, constantly praying when I am out on the streets.

"But the LORD is faithful.  He will establish and guard you against the evil one."  2 Thessalonians 3:3

Con mucho amor.