Saturday, August 22, 2015

Last Weeks of Year #1

*forgot to post last June*

What we've been doing: WOW, I finished my very first year of teaching.  The last few weeks have been crazy busy.  I am super happy to have a few months of rest.  "Rest."  Aka planning, reading, organizing, and preparing for next year.  Teachers never really have time off.  Here's a look at our last few weeks of school.

Yve's School

We started off by creating a Noah's ark craft with the kids.  I saw this example on Pinterest, and I thought it was simple enough to create with the kids at Yve's School.  They need practice using glue sticks and scissors.  The kids enjoyed it, and the teachers helped much more.  It went smoother and their was much more control.  I was really happy that we ended on such a good note.

The boys wrapped up the video of the story of Noah's Ark.  Here's the Youtube link if you want to see how it turned out.  The kids and teachers loved watching it.  We brought in Joy's portable projector and used a sheet to show the movie.  There was even a portable battery pack, so we didn't need to worry that there wasn't electricity.

Rosa and I were talking about what we can do next year with the kids.  I want to do more sports and actions with the kids because they have so much energy.

Flash of Ecology 

We briefly covered some ecology topics at the end of the year.  Next year I am doing Earth science with the boys, so I can incorporate more of these ideas.  We ended with an experiment showing the importance of trees and roots.

The boys loved it, and now we have another class plant to keep Steve company.  :)

Timeline Project 

I had this great idea for an end of the year project.  We covered world history this year, and the boys each made a giant timeline.  They drew pictures of the ten most important world history events, and they each gave a presentation about their projects.  They did not use their class time wisely, so the projects did not turn out as good as they could have.

Next year I am going to have them work on the project throughout the year.  Maybe I will make them create a smaller version as we go through US history.  If they do the project piece by piece, it might seem less daunting.  I might also make an option to create a video project instead of just a poster.  They enjoy creating videos.

Last Day Party

I worked incredibly hard to prepare the new apartment/classroom for our end of the year party/sleepover.  With help from their moms, we kidnapped the boys and brought them to the new place.  They had no idea where we were going or what we were doing.  It was awesome.

I had a night of games, pizza, ice cream, and movies planned for the boys.  They had the greatest time, and it was the perfect way to end the year.

Who knows what year #2 will bring... :)

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