Saturday, June 25, 2016

Lessons from the Road: Part II

What God has been teaching me:  I struggle with patience.  I struggle with waiting, yet the Bible is full of people who waited.  I was having a conversation with someone about this struggle on Monday.  I want to know everything now.  I want to understand what God is doing now.  We live in a world full of now now nows.  But God is asking us to W A I T.

from: here 

The next morning I was reading Jesus Calling and the whole meditation for the day was about patience. I thought, "Wow, God.  You sure have a good sense of humor.  Glad to have learned that lesson."  I put a check mark by the topic in my mind.  Little did I know that God was going to continue teaching it to me.  All.  Day.  Long.

Then I went to drive to church to work, and I got stuck behind a slow car.  I missed the green light at the stoplight.  Within a 15 minute drive to work God continued teaching me the lesson.  Don't worry, on the way home, I also got stuck behind a slow car.  Same message: Hillary, be patient!  Don't rush things.

But that wasn't enough.  Later on that night I was scrolling through Facebook, and someone else shared a memory of them posting the passage from Jesus Calling.  The same one.  About patience.

God keeps pestering blessing me by teaching me the same thing.  Over and over.  I clearly need it.  I LOVE getting to see what He will show me next.

What else God has been teaching me:  Wednesday I felt a strong urge to read through 1 Corinthians.  I started reading the first and second chapter.  Those chapters focus on how God can use our weaknesses.  Then chapter 3 talks about how we plant the seeds, but God makes them grow.  Both of those themes are perfect for working in ministry.

The ladies from the DR have graciously allowed me to stay in the group chat that we have from church.  Each day one of them sends a meditation.  The meditation for the day was all about planing seeds and God making them grow...

And a third time He did something crazy:  I love the fact that He keeps teaching me the same lessons over and over again.  Thursday morning it was about trust.  My mother wood burned a beautiful coaster for me.  She engraved the word: T R U S T

I have been needing to lean more and more on God lately, trusting in HIS amazing plan for my future.  Handing over my plans to Him because He knows what I need and what the world needs more than I know.  Thursday and Friday the devotional was about the same theme: T R U S T

"Que todo mi ser espere en silencio delante de Dios, porque en Él esta mi esperanza.  Solo Él es mi roca y mi salvacion."  Salmos 56:5-6

What crazy things is God doing in your life right now?

Con mucho amor.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Lessons from the Road: Part I

What I've been thinking about: Monday morning the passage in Jesus Calling was about looking for God each day.  He is always eager to talk to us, we just need to be open and receptive to His "touches" throughout our days.  God loves it when we discover His marvelous presence.  Monday I went out with eyes open to see Him.

Monday night I was driving home.  The roads were pitch black. It was late.  I was slightly scared.  I could barely see the road.  I could barely see what was in front of me.  The moon, however, was full and bright.  Its beautiful rays were shining down on the road.  God was telling me something:  He is like the moon, shining down on our dark lives.  We cannot see the whole road.  We cannot see the whole path to the end when we arrive at home, but the moon sees it all; God can see the future.  

Our vision is so limited.  He can only show us the next steps little by little.  He cannot show us the whole path, but He is faithful.  We can trust that He will show us in His timing, not our own.

 "Los cielos cuentan la gloria de Dios, y el firmamento auncia la obra de sus manos." Salmos 19:1-2

Where are you seeing God today?

Con mucho amor.

Thursday, June 23, 2016


What I found:  I spent the afternoon cleaning my bedroom, and I found these two papers that really touched my heart.  May they inspire you today, too.

Con mucho amor.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Fries, Superheroes, and Jesus

What I've been doing:  God opened up a REALLY amazing door for me.  My last few months in the DR, I was praying for a job over the summer.  I was also praying for a way to get more involved at my church in Wilsonville.  My dad happened to be at the church one night working on a building project, and he went down to talk to the pastor and say hello.  The pastor mentioned as my dad was leaving that they were looking for a summer intern to work with the youth at the church.  My dad immediately thought of me, and he suggested the pastor shoot me an email.  No one else but God could have organized all those little details.

As soon as I saw the email, I knew this was God placing another job in my lap.  He always seems to do that for me.  Probably because that's what I pray for.  :)

Last week was my first official week working in ministry, aka actually getting paid to serve the Lord!  In college and in the DR I always worked with youth as a volunteer.  I see now that God was preparing me for the current role I am in.

Wednesday nights the youth get together, and we had a "Tour de Frye's."  We went to McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, WOW Burger, and Sonic, rating the fries on saltiness, freshness, and texture.  It was a great event to connect with the parents and students.  My stomach was only a little upset on Thursday morning from only eating fries for dinner.

Sunday I was fully in charge of Sunday school.  We did a father's day craft and talked about the big question: How old is God?  One of the middle schoolers from Wednesday offered to help me the Sundays she comes to church.  I am super excited to see what God does over the summer.

What's coming next:  This week we are having water wars and pizza with the middle schoolers.  I am also going to do the inductive Bible study with them using my favorite "fishers of men" passage in Matthew 4.  Pray that we can dive into the Word more often and lift our voices to Him in prayer.

This week we are also continuing our superhero theme in Sunday school and answering the question: Is God more powerful than a superhero?  I am excited to wear my superhero cape (!!) and teach the kids "Jesus is my Superhero" a song that I heard a lot in the DR.

Please be praying for all these opportunities to pour into the lives of young people.

Con mucho amor.

Saturday, June 11, 2016


Rest in Me, My child.  Give your mind a break from planning and trying to anticipate what will happen.  Pray continually, asking My Spirit to take charge of the details of this day.  Remember that you are on a journey with Me.  When you try to peer into the future and plan for every possibility, you ignore your constant Companion who sustains you moment by moment.  As you gaze anxiously into the distance, you don't even feel the strong grip of My hand holding yours.  How foolish you are, My child.

Remembrance of Me is a daily discipline.  Never lose sight of My Presence with you.  This will keep you resting in Me all day, every day.  - Jesus Calling

"Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him."  Psalm 62:5


What God has been teaching me:  I have been back on US soil for less than a week.  It was a hard week.  It was a comfortable and yet uncomfortable week.  It was a sad week.  It was a week spent sleeping.  And shopping.  I constantly have two languages in my head.  Two cultures.  Two ways of living life fighting inside of me.  I am so happy to be in Oregon, yet my soul is longing for another place.

I was cranky this week.  I was mad at God for taking me away from Santiago when He did.  But He has a reason.  He always does.  Thursday I finally pulled out my prayer notebook and gave some things to Him, and I felt slightly less cranky.

Even in my unfaithfulness and grumpiness, God still has been teaching me some interesting things.  "Coincidences"  that could only come from our Good, Good, Father.

The day I left, one of my friends told me that God will reveal what's next for me.  She said that God will make the path straight and clear.  A different friend randomly told me to read through Proverbs 3.  These words popped off the page.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight."  Proverbs 3:5-6  

The exact same verse.

I have been reading through Jesus Calling, one of my favorite devotional books.  God connected this devotional with some other comments from people throughout the week.  One of the days the main text was Luke 12:22-31.  The passage talks about how we need not worry.  This week I went to the doctor's office and I had a little freak out when I couldn't fill out the line that said "Employment."  I have no job lined up after this summer.  I have no source of income.  When I was talking to someone about that this week, they said their devotional was about Matthew 6 - the exact same passage about not worrying.

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."  Matthew 6:33  

"Seek the kingdom of God, and all these things [food, water, and clothing] will be added to you."  Luke 12:31 

One of my girlfriends and I have been talking about love and marriage recently.  One of the verses she shared with me before I left the DR was 1 John 4:18.  This week the verse came up again on one of the days in Jesus Calling.

"There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear."  1 John 4:18

Lastly, someone told me to read Psalm 84 today.  One of my favorite verses is verse 5.  It talks about how we are blessed when our strength is in the Lord, when we cannot do it on our own.  The Jesus Calling passage for today talked about how weakness is a good thing because it draws us close to Him.  Our weaknesses create an intimacy with us and the Lord.  One of the verses in the devotional for today says,

"I will trust in the Lord and not be afraid.  The Lord himself is my strength."  Isaiah 12:2

I have been praying that God puts me in an amazing community of believers this summer.  One of the reasons I love the Dominican Republic is that I have some really awesome friends who point me to Jesus.  A old friend from high school who I haven't connected with in years sent me a FB message asking if I wanted to come to her women's small group on Friday nights and the college group on Tuesdays.  God, You are SO faithful and SO good.

Tomorrow I start my first day working at the church in Oregon.  Excited and nervous to see what God is going to do.

Con mucho amor.