Saturday, June 25, 2016

Lessons from the Road: Part II

What God has been teaching me:  I struggle with patience.  I struggle with waiting, yet the Bible is full of people who waited.  I was having a conversation with someone about this struggle on Monday.  I want to know everything now.  I want to understand what God is doing now.  We live in a world full of now now nows.  But God is asking us to W A I T.

from: here 

The next morning I was reading Jesus Calling and the whole meditation for the day was about patience. I thought, "Wow, God.  You sure have a good sense of humor.  Glad to have learned that lesson."  I put a check mark by the topic in my mind.  Little did I know that God was going to continue teaching it to me.  All.  Day.  Long.

Then I went to drive to church to work, and I got stuck behind a slow car.  I missed the green light at the stoplight.  Within a 15 minute drive to work God continued teaching me the lesson.  Don't worry, on the way home, I also got stuck behind a slow car.  Same message: Hillary, be patient!  Don't rush things.

But that wasn't enough.  Later on that night I was scrolling through Facebook, and someone else shared a memory of them posting the passage from Jesus Calling.  The same one.  About patience.

God keeps pestering blessing me by teaching me the same thing.  Over and over.  I clearly need it.  I LOVE getting to see what He will show me next.

What else God has been teaching me:  Wednesday I felt a strong urge to read through 1 Corinthians.  I started reading the first and second chapter.  Those chapters focus on how God can use our weaknesses.  Then chapter 3 talks about how we plant the seeds, but God makes them grow.  Both of those themes are perfect for working in ministry.

The ladies from the DR have graciously allowed me to stay in the group chat that we have from church.  Each day one of them sends a meditation.  The meditation for the day was all about planing seeds and God making them grow...

And a third time He did something crazy:  I love the fact that He keeps teaching me the same lessons over and over again.  Thursday morning it was about trust.  My mother wood burned a beautiful coaster for me.  She engraved the word: T R U S T

I have been needing to lean more and more on God lately, trusting in HIS amazing plan for my future.  Handing over my plans to Him because He knows what I need and what the world needs more than I know.  Thursday and Friday the devotional was about the same theme: T R U S T

"Que todo mi ser espere en silencio delante de Dios, porque en Él esta mi esperanza.  Solo Él es mi roca y mi salvacion."  Salmos 56:5-6

What crazy things is God doing in your life right now?

Con mucho amor.

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