Sunday, January 15, 2012


What I'm watching: Earlier this week I watched this video: Why I Hate Religion, but Love Jesus.  I just had to share it on here, because it was so inspirational.  He has another video called Sexual Healing that is just as good.  "Think twice before you eat what society feeds us.  Come follow the King, His name is Jesus."  Jefferson Bethke puts faith and a relationship with Jesus in a whole new perspective.  One of my favorite quotes: I've spent my whole life building a facade of neatness, but now that I know Jesus, I boast in my weakness.

Blogs I'm reading:  I decided to follow Jefferson's twitter, and he posted a link to a blog called Wonderfully Made.  It is the best blog filled with quotes and bible stories.  It is so encouraging to read, definitely a new favorite.

What I'm learning: Today in church we went over John 9: Blindness.  It was a great message describing how we each have a blindness.  Jesus can bring light to our darkness, if we are open to having His touch.  We also talked about muscle memory, and if you practice something it will become second nature.  We all stray and wander somtimes, but each time it gets easier to go back to Him.  Just the message I needed to hear.

From: here, here, and here

So trust in Him today, much love.

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