Friday, January 20, 2012

Jackson Michelson

What I'm listening to: Jackson Michelson came and played at my school recently, and he was amazing!  He is a Christian and has played at Younlife camps, as well.  I got his cd after the show and I have been listening to it non-stop.  Add him on fb or follow him on twitter, because he's the best.

from: here
What I'm taking pictures of: This week was full of ups and downs.  It snowed!  I went shopping for a photo album to start Project Life (I didn't find any), and I am headed home to celebrate my sissy's birthday.  The first photo is a candle holder from Ross.  I loved the quote: with faith we can achieve all that we believe.  The second photo is a sort of picture of the snow at school.

What I'm reading: The Laziest Ways to Lose Weight popped up on my MSN homepage today.  I need to start working out again.  I go through phases when I am very motivated, then other time when I'm not at all.  My favorite tips from the article:
  • Don't go shopping when you are hungry, and only buy what is on your list.  This month I have lived off campus, so I have had to make my own meals.  I have been working on making specific shopping lists for only what I need.  It's faster, and you buy less junk this way!
  • Buy ready to eat snacks.  At school, I will always go to the store and buy chocolate or chips.  However, lately I have kept carrots and apples ready to eat.  I have also been buying healthy granola bars.  These are way healthier and quicker to grab and go. 
  • Drink water before every meal.  It makes you fill up faster.
  • And my favorite: sleep!!  The article says: "People who slept 5 to 6 hours a night gained 4.5 pounds more than those who dozed for 7 to 8 hours nightly."
My mom also sent me this article, How to be Full of Wonder.  I loved the simple tricks to live a happier life.

And this beauty blog, Maskcara, that has great hair and makeup youtube videos!  Plus her latest entry is about Friday Night Lights, one of my all time favorite shows.

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