Monday, October 5, 2015

International Dot Day

What we've been creating/doing: September 15th is one of my favorite days of the year.  DOT DAY.  Here is how we spent Dot Day last year.  This year I wanted the kids to be able to share the experience with others.  My friend teaches 2nd grade at a nearby private school that my kids used to go to.  We spent an afternoon sharing with them.

A few weeks early the kids created their own dots and spent time practicing reading aloud.  We displayed their dots on our clipboard wall display that I love.

The kids started by introducing themselves and reading the story to the second graders.  They did a great job projecting their voices and speaking up.  That was the main goal academically for this adventure.

Then, we split into small groups and my students asked questions about the message of the book.  They talked about what you can do to help and serve others.  Our main question was, "How can you make your mark on the world?"  Their ideas were adorable.

The last activity we did with them was helping the students create their own dot.  We had paint, magazines, markers, colored pencils, and more for them to use.  There were a few spills, but mostly laughter and creativity flying around the classroom.

It was a wonderful day, and my teacher friend even said we should come back again to do something with her class.

I also got to create Dot Day for two other groups of people.  Each Tuesday I go to a girl's home in Santiago.  Back in September we celebrated Dot Day there.  The girls loved the story and sticking their post its on the giant orange dot.  They did an amazing job creating their dots.

I also went to New Hope in La Vega and did Dot Day with the girls there yesterday.  It was a late Dot Day because I couldn't figure out how to get there.  :)  The girls struggled with the theme.  Some of them said their dots were ugly, or they got frustrated in the creating process.  But overall, the girls enjoyed doing something different on the weekend.  My favorite dot was one that said, "Jesus died for you, for me, and for the world."  It touched my heart.  There's a way to make a mark on the world.

Con mucho amor.

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