Inspirational messages above the door: This sign has been up there since the spring, but this week I want to change it to "You are loved." I could change it weekly or monthly. I want it to be the last thing they see and remember when the leave the classroom; something positive and encouraging.
Venn diagrams: The boys are working on writing a compare/contrast paper right now. It is a combination between US History and English. We just finished reading a book about Sacajawea. The boys were comparing European and Native American women.
Conjugating verbs in Spanish: I have been teaching two 11-year-old twins Spanish after school twice a week. It has been so fun to watch them grow and learn Spanish. We used the chalk wall the other week for
Timelines: We have been studying US History this year. I had the boys race to see who could put the beginning events in order the fastest. They loved the action and game-like way of learning.
Photo booth wall: The first day of school we used the wall to draw angel wings, and speech bubbles. We also used the wall for Dot Day photos.
Brainstorming: Before the first day of school, Christin and I had a giant brainstorming day. We threw everything up on the wall that we thought we might do the first day/week. It made it easy to circle things and cross out the ideas we wanted to save for another day.
Labeling science diagrams: When we were learning about the layers of dirt in science, we did a food activity where each layer of dirt was represented by cookies, pudding, or Hershey's kisses. The next day as a warm up, I had the boys make a huge representation and label the layers.
Other ideas I want to try...
- Giant KWL chart
- Fill in the blanks for verbs, vocabulary
- Matching images to quotes
- Art gallery style wall
- Holiday decorations (pumpkin patch along the bottom for Halloween, Christmas trees along the sides during December)
- Speech bubbles for famous people - could be presidents, MLK Jr., famous scientists. The students could either dress up and pose as the person, or draw the famous person.
What are your ideas for using a chalk wall? How do you use it in your home or classroom?
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