1. Yve's School - Spring 2015
Never did I ever think I would be teaching Spanish with my three middle school boys to 40+ Haitian students. I had been wanting to do a service project with the boys, but I wasn't sure what. Getting outside of the four walls of our classroom was one of my main goals for them during the 2014-2015 school year.
Here's the blog post about how we got started. But it has been awesome to watch the boys grow in their confidence each time we go to the school. It's one of my favorite things that we've done together. God pushes not only me, but also the boys outside of their comfort zones. He catches us every time.
2. Costa Rica - March 2015
Semana Santa, or spring break, threw me into my fourth trip to Costa Rica. It was an incredible week full of rest, family, laughter, and easy to understand Spanish. Here's the link to my blog entry from the trip. It made me realize how lucky I am to have family and friends and people who love me all over the world.
3. Moving - May 2015
The end of my first school year in the DR I said goodbye to my house on Calle G and moved to an apartment in El Dorado I. I absolutely love this apartment. It can be challenging teaching and living in the same space, but I mostly love it. Living on the fourth floor gives us a great breeze, and it gives us some exercise when we bring our groceries home.
This apartment is much closer to public transportation. There is a security guard who lives here, so I feel much safer. The location of the new apartment is "far" away from the people I hung out with last year, but it's been awesome to see how God has put people into my life on this side of town. Plus there's the amazing roof where I get to watch epic sunrises and sunsets every day. I mean look at these pictures...
"In His hands are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are His also. The sea is His, for He made it, and His hands formed the dry land." Psalm 95:4-5
4. Got baptized - June 2015
I was baptized as a baby in the Lutheran church, but over the past year I have been attending a Baptist church and a Four Square church. I have been questioning why I was baptized as a baby. I want to follow in the example of Jesus, and he wasn't baptized as a baby. In fact, no where in the Bible is anyone baptized as an infant. It a choice that someone makes when they are old enough to understand.
Last year, I had Pastor John of Iglesia Baptista Vida Nueva come talk to the boys about baptism. We were studying about it in Bible class, and it was such a great conversation. I had thought about getting baptized again after that day, but I put it on the back burner.
In June I went to a camp with the Four Square church, Cantico Nuevo. It was an amazing camp full of spirit-filled worship, crazy games, and good conversation. I was talking to my friend Keren, and we started talking about being baptized. She started sharing the story from Acts 8 when the eunuch was on the road. God had told the disciple Philip to meet this chariot in the desert. Philip asked the eunuch if he understood what he was reading about the Bible. He replied that he did not.
"Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus." Acts 8:35
The eunuch responded immediately to this good news and wanted to be baptized.
"And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, 'See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?'" Acts 8:37
After he was baptized, he went on his way rejoicing, and Philip simply disappeared.
Later, after Keren and I were talking about the story, one of the leaders approached me and asked if I had been baptized. I responded and told her how I was baptized as a baby, but that I had been thinking about being baptized again. My own choice. My own decision to fully immerse myself in God's plans for my future. She asked if I wanted to be baptized that day.
What a joyous occasion. There was water, and I had the faith to take the next step.
5. Working at PacTrust - July 2015
I spent July and a few weeks of August in Oregon with my family. I wasn't exactly sure how I would spend my time at home, but I assumed I would be resting and relaxing. I don't make very much money working in the Dominican Republic. The thought crossed my mind that I could maybe try to find a job for the month or so that I was home.
Every summer in college I spent working at my dad's office. I worked in records management, accounting, IT, but my favorite place in the office is up front at the reception desk. I love getting to talk to people on the phone and visitors who walk through the doors. My dad explained they were having some problems with the new receptionist they hired. She was sick a lot, and it was hard to find someone to cover for her.
I sent an e-mail on Thursday, just stating that I was back in OR for a month and was available if they needed help. Friday I received a response saying to come in on Monday.
Wow, what a financial blessing to work there for a few weeks. I loved getting to connect and talk to my dad's coworkers who I love so much. Such a blessing.
"Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?" Matthew 6:26
6. The Sloth Experience - July 2015
Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE sloths. They are my favorite animal. I have sloth shirts, earrings, a hat, a towel, even sloth wine glasses that my mom got me for Christmas. My friend Chandler went to a sloth sanctuary in Rainer, WA a few summers ago. She got to hold a baby sloth. I was so jealous.
She said she wanted to take me there over the summer, so July we packed up in the car and headed off for the sanctuary. It was one of the coolest experiences. We went in this little room and fed sloths. The room was warm and humid. The sloths were sleeping when we first got there. We fed them cucumbers and zucchini for around 20-25 minutes. I wanted to stay there forever.
7. Bridesmaid Time - August 2015
One of my oldest friends Sydney got engaged in 2015, and she asked me to be her bridesmaid! I had the honor of accompanying her while she went wedding dress shopping. This is the first time I'm going to be in a wedding for one of my friends. Such an exciting time, even though it makes me feel a little old that my friends are getting married.
8. 2nd Year Teaching - August 2015
I felt SO much more confident going into my second year of teaching. I know the boys; they know me. I already knew how to organize a school day, and I had prepared much more during the summer. Although I can't reuse anything from the 2014-2015 school year, I just feel like there is more of a flow in the school days. It also helps that we aren't in any of my student's houses this year. :) It has been such a joy to watch the boys (and girls) grow.
9. AAV - August 2015
In high school I had the privilege of being a part of Younglife. In college I had the privilege of helping lead Younglife. I love working in a ministry setting with high school girls. There is a youth group at one of the churches I go to called AAV (Amar, Aprender, y Vivir la palabra de Dios // Love, Learn, and Live the word of God). During the 2014-2015 school year I thought about getting involved, but I was just trying to survive last year.
This year one of the leaders, Ruthi, asked me if I wanted to check it out and get involved. The first weekend the group met, I got scared and nervous. I figured my Spanish was not good enough and that God wasn't going to use me. Oh what happens when we listen to the lies of the devil...
The following Monday at Bible study we were reading about Jonah and what happened when he didn't listen to God the first time... So convicting. The next Saturday evening I went to AAV and haven't stopped helping. I got to share the message with the girls two different Saturdays in Spanish. The second time I did it all on my own. There were only three girls there that day, but it was still awesome to step out in faith and see what God was going to do.
I feel a lot of spiritual warfare with AAV. I am constantly praying for the group and praying for confidence for me when I go. Gosh, God is so good, though. I am learning so much through serving in this way.
10. Teaching Spanish - September 2015
Over the summer I noticed a post on a missionary Facebook page looking for a Spanish teacher for some girls in Santiago. I responded immediately inquiring more. In September I started teaching Jami Jo and Judith Anne. They are 11-year-old twins. They come over two times a week for Spanish lessons. I have been using TPR strategy with them. They came in knowing almost nothing, but they can correctly use the verbs ser and tener and regular AR verbs. They know over 70 verbs.
They are two of the sweetest girls I have ever met. We had several different holiday parties, and sometimes we get to go out to dinner after Spanish class. Their family has been such an answer to prayers I didn't even know I had. They are so involved, polite, and caring. I cannot wait to teach them more this spring.
11. New Roommate - Fall 2015
My first year of teaching in the Dominican Republic was challenging. I was a first year teacher, trying to do it all by myself. My bosses hired another teacher for their older daughters for the 2015-2016 school year. Christin and I met in May before the school year ended. She was going into her 3rd year of teaching, and she seemed so nice from the very first time I met her. It has been an incredible blessing to live and work with her.
I have two works for 2016: REST and PRAY. Cannot wait to see all God has in store for this year.
Con mucho amor.
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