This summer we have mostly had boys in Kid's Church, but last Sunday there were only three girls! There is always so much energy and excitement that I don't pray with the kids. This is something I have felt convicted about all summer, but I was not sure how or when to incorporate prayer. After reading the story about Jesus healing the lepers (Luke 17:11-19), I asked the girls if I could pray for them. Then one of them threw the question back at me...
"Could we all pray for each other?"
We went around in a circle, praying for lepers, praying for the Olympics, and praying for miracles. After prayer time was over, one of the girls stayed quiet. She explained that she had something she wanted to pray for, but it was sad. She mentioned the name of a founding member of our church who passed away this week. She wanted to pray for her husband who was probably very sad. We ended up having a second time of prayer for healing hearts and battling cancer.
By the time I looked at the clock, it was almost time for church to be over. We had spent practically the whole morning praying for people. I went into the classroom with the plan for the day, detailed and scripted beside me. Instead, God had a different plan.
"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord determines their steps." Proverbs 16:9
Another story from last Sunday comes from right after church. Two boys who are normally with me at Kid's Church decided to stay for the message with the rest of the congregation. They approached me and asked what we learned about and they wanted to know the memory verse. It really touched my heart that they took the time to come ask about what we did in Kid's Church.
I also found some fun Olympic coloring sheets from the same company who created Clive and Ian. I printed off the coloring pages for the kids to take home if they wanted. I had not talked to the pastor about the coloring sheet, but during the children's message he quoted Hebrews 12:1.
The exact same verse on the coloring sheet.
God was tapping me on the shoulder again, reminding me about something important. I think this verse will be my next Bible journaling page...
Con mucho amor.
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