Friday, August 19, 2016

Let's cross together

What I've been teaching/learning:  A few Wednesdays ago at youth group we had an epic water balloon game day.  Each week I try and connect the Bible story to the activity.  Here's been our summer so far.

Water gun games - Jesus calling the first disciples while they were fishing on a lake (Matthew 4:18-22)

Campfire - Moses and the burning bush (Exodus 3:1-12)

Volleyball - David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)

Water balloons - Israelites crossing the Jordan river (Joshua 3:7-17)

We studied this passage of the Bible right before I left the DR to come back to Oregon.  The pastor reiterated how the priests with the Ark of the Covenant went first.  They stood in the middle of the river while the Israelites crossed the Jordan, and then they brought up the rear at the end.  I connected this to the lives of the middle schoolers.  Many of them are starting middle school or high school.  I explained how God was going before them, preparing their schedules, classes, and friends.

We talked about how God can do the impossible.  He made an overflowing river turn into dry ground.  That's pretty incredible.  But do we live with that confidence?  That God can and is still doing things like that today?

One of the guys mentioned how they had to rely on each other to get across the Jordan River.  The Israelites had to trust the priests to go first.  They worked together as a team to cross.  I loved that image.  It made me think and ponder about my team.  I thought about my coworkers, my family, and my friends.  I thought about the youth group and how we are our own little family, working together to learn and grow in our faith.

Let's expect God to do the impossible things.  Let's watch Him turn a river into dry ground.  Let's lean on others to help us get across.  Let's see what crazy things He has up His sleeve next.

Con mucho amor.

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