Saturday, August 22, 2015

First Week of School

What we've been doing:  Popping balloons, photo booth, silly string, coat of arms, TED talk, and brownies were just a few of the things we incorporated into the first week of school.  Yes, that's right, I wrote we.  I am excited to say that I now have a coteacher!  Christin is 24, and this is her third year in the Dominican Republic.

Intro activities: We started off the day with a photo booth using the chalk wall in my classroom.  Christin borrowed boas, top hats, pearls, fake mustaches, and more from the old school she used to work at here in Santiago.  We had fun using the chalk wall to draw halos, devil horns, and speech bubbles.  It was a great way to break the ice and get a little goofy at the start of the year.

Christin suggested we make coat of arms that represent ourselves.  She used this as a beginning of the year activity with her students before.  The girls coat of arms came out a little more creative than the boys, but it was great to see them thinking creatively.

Some of the students play instruments this year, so we got to start the day with worship.  I loved praying with the boys last year, so it is incredible that we get to incorporate music, instruments, and song into the curiculum this year.

We then watched this TED talk by John Green about paper towns and mapping one's life.  We then created mind maps with goals and ambitions for the year.  Everyone took a love language test and we set a challenge of loving someone this week.  I saw some cute notes exchanged with inspirational quotes, which made those needing words of encouragement feel loved.

We also had them write letters to themselves that will get opened at the end of the year.  This Khan Academy "You can learn anything" video accompanied the letter to themselves activity.

The students also brainstormed what a good student and good teacher act/say/do.  The answers were sometimes funny (a good teacher should shower, a good teacher should share their cookies) and sometimes very insightful.

It was a busy first day, but I felt so good at the end.  Tired, but good.  I got to know the sisters better and got to celebrate school.  Our hashtag for the year is #bestyearever.

Team building:  Christin and I thought it would be good to include some team building, fun activities at the start of the day this week.  We did charades one day (the girls creamed the boys).  We also completed the marshmallow challenge.  Using tape, yarn, marshmallows and spaghetti noodles they had to create the tallest structure.  The boys quickly built something that I thought would win.  But they girls ended up creating a taller tower by one inch.

Bible: Reading the Bible is so important.  Hebrews 4:12 says that it is LIVING and ACTIVE.  God uses it to speak truth into our lives.  I wanted the boys to learn how to read it on their own.  I wanted to give God an opportunity to speak to them individually.  I purchased these simple little sketchbooks.  I had them each pick a chapter or two out of the Bible to begin.  They spent a couple days reading the passage, and a couple days drawing the verses that impacted them.  It turned into a sort of Bible art journaling.  Each of the boys picked a book from the Old Testament.  I am so excited for how they turned out the first week.

Spanish:  On day 1 of Spanish class we played a game called Tingo, Tingo, Tango.  I played this game at youth group once here in the Dominican Republic.  There are a bunch of balloons with one question inside each balloon.  One person stands on the side and yells, "tingo, tingo, tingo..." while the balloon is passed in the circle.  When the person on the side yells, "tango" the person with the balloon must sit and pop it.

The kids used the answers to these questions to write Spanish stories about their summers.  One of my goals this year is to get the boys writing more, and they finished a mini Spanish story within week 1.  Awesome!

Writing:  I had the boys each get a writing notebook this year.  Every day they will come in and there will be a writing prompt on the board.  The first day I used a creative writing prompt, but each day is something a little different.  The boys need a lot of writing practice.  This week A wrote over a page, single spaced, and he is the one who struggles the most with writing.  J also wrote over a page one day.  I thought about stopping them part of the way through because we needed to move on, but I was so thrilled they were writing.

Happy Friday: To celebrate the first week of school, Christin and I sprayed the kids down with silly string and then fed them brownies.  They were so surprised, but then stated that revenge was coming.  It was a great way to end the week.

What I've been reading/watching/creating:  

This blog post about teaching that touched my heart and left me in tears.

The First5 app has been incredibly encouraging and convicting.

I got watercolor markers before I left to come back to the DR.  I have been having the best time playing with them.  Creating is a great way for me to get rid of stress.  Plus, I've made some pretty neat pieces.

Christin and I started watching the TV show Elementary.

I finished Confess by Colleen Hoover on the plane rides here, and I am currently reading Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult.  Next on my reading list is Talk like TED, a nonfiction book I would love to use with my students.

I am excited to be back in this country.  I am excited for new friendships, new adventures, new teaching ideas and resources.  I cannot wait to see what God does this year in my heart and in the hearts of my students.

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