Monday, December 14, 2015

Lessons from the manger PART II: Worship

What I've been learning: Last year I never got sick.  This year there have been many days when I've had a runny nose, or a cough.  Wednesday through Friday of last week was the worst yet.  I was having so many stomach pains and issues eating.  On Friday we went to Yve's school to have our Christmas party.  I threw up while we were there.  The only thing I had eaten was soda crackers.  I had to leave early.

I was curled up in a tiny ball in my bed, wondering how and if I should take a trip to the hospital.  The thought of sitting in a waiting room with the stomach pains sounded awful and miserable.  One of my friends suggested I take parasite medicine.  When I looked up the symptoms of parasites, I assumed she was right.  I went next door to the pharmacy and bought the two pills.

The rest of Friday was spent sleeping in bed.  I was upset.  Why did I get parasites during the busiest time of the year?  I had to miss out on the fun activities at Yve's school.  I made plans over the weekend to host various Christmas functions.  I couldn't eat any of the sweet treats.  I had hardly any energy.  But as I lay in bed, I had a little revelation:

I was learning to praise and worship God even when my circumstances sang a different song.  

I plugged through the activities of the weekend.  Saturday afternoon girls from the youth group at church came over for a tarde de chicas.  Sunday we took our watchie out to lunch and then had one of Christin's friends over for pizza dinner.  Even though I was tired, we prayed and talked and God's name was glorified.

The story of the birth of Jesus is full of examples of people worshiping.  I imagine that the shepherds and wisemen were probably rather tired from making the journey to find Jesus, but they praised Him.  They praised Him with GREAT JOY.  They presented Him with gifts.  They gave Jesus all they had.  This holiday season, are you giving with all you have?  Even when it's inconvenient or challenging, people are watching.

When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.  And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him: and when they had opened their treasured, they presented him with gifts. Matthew 2:10-11 

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. Luke 2:20 

It is easier to worship with others.  Christin helped so much this weekend.  She cleaned the apartment, and she got up early to mop.  She helped make the food and was such a positive light, just like the group of angels.

Luke 2:13-14 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

Take these next few weeks to share the reason we celebrate.  Pray with someone you've never prayed with before.  Take time at Christmas dinner to actually read the Bible story.  Spread joy to a neighbor that needs it.  What song are you singing this Christmas season?  Make sure it's one that glorifies Jesus. 

Sharing the Nativity Story

*forgot to post on Thursday*

What we've been doing: For the past month at Yve's school we have been doing the story of the birth of Jesus with the students.  First, our students shared the story and taught them vocabulary related to the nativity story.

We have been using TPR (Total Physical Response) with the students.  They do the action and say the word.  For the Christmas story we taught them: "vamos" "estrella" "Dios" "bebe Jesus" "ver/mirar" "dormir" "tienes miedo" and "feliz" Each time we went to the school we practiced those words with the students.

Then, the Haitian students were assigned parts.  The little ones were the animals and angels.  They colored masks for the animals in the barn.  They were very proud of the masks they colored.  The older ones had main speaking parts.

Each of our students worked with a couple of the students at the school.  They mentored and practiced the script with them.  This year it worked much better because we had three more people to help out.

Last week we went back to film the kids.  We had to make a few last minute casting changes since a couple of the students were sick.

Here's the link to the Youtube video final product!

Tomorrow we are going to show the video and have a little Christmas party.  We are going to make simple Christmas cards with them, eat cookies, and celebrate.  We wanted to bless the teachers for Christmas.  After filming last week we went to the store and got mugs for the teachers.  These mugs were filled with candy and some money.  The kids made cards to go along with them.

The Bible study I go to on Mondays did a service project this semester and bought Creole Bibles for the teachers.  Michelle asked me if I wanted to deliver them, so I also get the joy of handing out the Bibles.  It will be their first Bible for some of them.  It will also be the first Bible for all of them in their native language.  What a neat gift.

How are you sharing the story of the birth of Jesus?

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Lego Movie

What we've been doing: A month ago my mom found these awesome Lego character sets.  I had been wanting a bunch of Lego people because I thought they would be perfect for acting out war battles, or scenes from books.  She sent one superhero and villain set, and one set that had normal people.

The boys finished a novel called Dragon's Gate by Laurence Yep.  It is about a young boy, Otter, who is from China.  He makes a journey to the US to help build the transcontinental railroad with his dad and uncle.  This is their Lego movie based off the book.

I gave them two options.  They could either recreate a chapter, or they could recreate a shorter summary of the whole book.  They chose do to the whole book.  It was taking really long, though, so we had to cut out some scenes they had planned.

If I were to reteach this assignment I would have them focus on a theme and pick out scenes that represent the theme.  Or I could have them focus on a character and pick out events that changed that character to give the project more depth than just a summary.

We used a free app called My Stop Motion to create the movie.  It was easy for the boys to figure out how to use it.  I liked it much better than Flipagram because we could save directly to the camera roll.  The boys added sounds and voices in iMovie.

The boys loved creating the movie.  There was some bickering between brothers throughout the process, but overall they had a great time.  I snapped this picture of them adding the voices to the movie.  They were smiling and giggling.  


Here's the link to the Youtube video.

THANK YOU MOM for always sending me exactly what I need.  Even from many miles away you help and serve me so very much.  I am forever grateful (and so are the boys, even if they do not express it). :) 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Lessons from the manger PART I: Do not fear

What I've been reading: This year I have been art journaling with the boys for Bible class.  This week I am studying the story of the birth of Jesus.  Different themes and lessons kept popping out at me, so I decided to create a mini "Lessons for the Manger" blog series over the next two weeks.

I've been feeling convicted lately about the meaning of Christmas.  Too often we focus on Santa, on the perfect Christmas decorations, on buying the best and most expensive presents for everyone.  This Christmas season I want to remember and focus on Jesus and the incredible God who sent Him to earth.

One of the first things I noticed while reading the story was how many times the phrase "DO NOT FEAR" appears in this Bible story.  An angel told Joseph to not fear, an angel to Mary to not fear, angels told the shepherds to not fear, an angel told Zacharias not to fear, and although the Bible doesn't mention this, I bet someone had to tell the wise men not to fear, also.

Our world is filled with so much sadness.  I see posts daily about war, shootings, and death.  Sometimes I am so filled with fear about traveling back to the US.  I get worried about a terrorist attack or a mass shooting.  I worry about my future.  Where will I work next year?  Where will I be living next year?  When will I meet my husband?  Reading these verses fills me with peace.  There are troubles in the world, but God has overcome them.  The angels remind me: DO NOT FEAR.

And the angel said unto them, fear not; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Luke 2:10 

But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, fear not to take Mary as thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. Matthew 1:20 

And the angel said to her, "Fear not, Mary, for though has found favor with God." Luke 1:30 

Another thing I noticed while I was reading the Bible story was how intertwined and connected the birth of Jesus and the birth of John the Baptist were.  Elizabeth was also miraculously filled with a child, just like Mary.  Mary had this wonderful friendship with Elizabeth (to be expanded on in Part IV of the Lessons from the Manger series).  There are many similarities between the two families.  Elizabeth's husband, Zacharias, also had to be told those two words: FEAR NOT

But the angel said unto him, "Fear not Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shall call his name John." Luke 1:13 

Today we can step out in confidence and be filled with God's amazing peace.  No matter what is going on in our lives, Jesus fills us with peace.  We do not need to be full of fear.

For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship.  And by him we cry, Abba.  Father.  Romans 8:15

Con mucho amor.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The time I felt muy Dominicana

What I've been doing: Last week I took a moto (short for motorcycle) home.  I arrived at the area where the motos congregate, and there was only one left.  I hopped on the back and told him where I lived.  He was super polite, and he was a careful driver.  When he dropped me off, he asked if I had a moto de confianza, or a motorcycle driver that I trust and use frequently.  I said no, and he told me to put his number in my phone.

Rosa's chauffeur is named Pedro.  He drives us around for our field trips.  Last year I had a taxi driver, and his name is Pedro.  I figured it was a good sign that this moto driver's name is also Pedro.  God continually sends the right people in my life to protect and watch out for me.

This week I was heading to dinner with some friends.  I had just payed an insane amount of money for a taxi home from the store ($450 RD or $10), and I was running late.  I didn't have time to walk and catch a public car ($20 RD or $0.44 US).  So I called Pedro the moto driver.  He remembered exactly where I lived and actually showed up in 5 minutes when he said he would.  Typically when a taxi driver or moto says 5 minutes, it is a Dominincan 5 minutes.  AKA they show up in 15.

Since I was going out to dinner I wore my wedges and got on back of the moto.  As we were riding down 27 de Febrero (one of the main streets by my house), a guy that worked for a family I knew last year rolled down his window to say hello.  I was on back of the moto and he was in the car next to us, and we were having a conversation.

I felt so Dominican, on the back of the moto, all dressed up, having a conversation with a Dominican driver.

The best part?  It cost me $50 pesos or $1 US to get from my apartment to the restaurant.
It is crazy how much this country feels like home now.  It is crazy how much I have grown in my time here.  Last year I never took motos and public cars, but this year I do (only when it's light out and safe mom - don't worry!).  God continually pushes me outside of my comfort zone.  He is protecting me and watching over me.  I also lean into Him much more, constantly praying when I am out on the streets.

"But the LORD is faithful.  He will establish and guard you against the evil one."  2 Thessalonians 3:3

Con mucho amor. 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

My two favorite things

What I've been creating: I brought two new art supplies to the DR with me this year.

1) Watercolor markers
2) A set of alphabet stamps

These two items are so much fun to use.  When I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed, or sad and bored, I know I can just use my creativity.  Here are some pictures of my creations.  I love making cards and blessing people in that way.

Cards for the Reyes Academy girls

Baby shower card

Birthday cards for the girl's home

Thanksgiving cards

Christmas cards - a mixture of my creations and Lyndi's creations

What have you been creating?

Con mucho amor.

Friday, November 20, 2015

What to do with 20 Rice Krispies...

What God has been doing: Every Thursday I go to a girl's home in Santiago with Amanda, Christin, and Heather.  It is always one of my favorite parts of the week.  This week Amanda was picking her parents up from the airport, Christin had a choir concert, and Heather had a meeting.

I was slightly anxious about going by myself because the girls can be a little crazy sometimes.  Normally if only one of us can go, we cancel it.  Next week is Thanksgiving so we won't be there; I did not want to cancel this Thursday with the girls.

I prepared all week, making a giant poster of the Grinch to use with pin the heart on the Grinch.  I made a little green hand/paint craft, and I made Grinch-colored Rice Krispies.

An hour before I was getting ready to leave, Christin realized her choir concert was cancelled.  Inwardly, I thanked God.  He wasn't sending me alone.

He began to send them out in pairs. - Mark 6:7

As 7pm rolled near, we packed up the materials and called the taxi.  We arrived at the girl's home and paid for the ride, and the driver left.  Then, I looked at the home.

It was all dark.

There were no lights on inside.  

I was angry.  I spent all this time preparing, all this money, and work, and no one even thought to tell us the girls were going to be gone this Thursday night.

Then, relief washed over me.  I had Christin right beside me.  I could be standing  here in the dark and rain and cold all by myself.  God didn't send me alone, He had this planned all along.

The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.  - Proverbs 16:9 

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. 
- Romans 8:28

Christin called a taxi.  As we waited, we planned our evening.  We would go to the supermarket and get ice cream.  We would relax and watch Netflix.  It sounded like the perfect way to spend the night.  But then I looked down in my hands.  I spent so much time preparing and making the Rice Krispies.  What was I supposed to do with them?

I decided to give them away as we made our way home.  We gave some to the taxi driver.  We stopped at the colmado (small store where we buy water, rice, and bananas) and gave some to the guys that work there.  We gave some to our watchie, Leoned.  When we arrived home, we had a couple left for us.  I felt like Santa, giving little Christmas gifts/blessings.  It is my sincere prayer that Avenida 9 is a place transformed by God.  I pray that God is using me to show His love to the people.

God is able to make every blessing of yours overflow for you, so that in every situation you will always have all you need for any good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:8

It made me think about how God knew everything that was going to happen.  He knew that I needed a friend with me when the girls weren't at the home.  I'm also confident He used the little treat to bless the lives of the people who ate them.  It makes me happy that I don't have to worry about the next step in my future.  God has it under control.  I have no idea where I am going to be working and living after June 2016.  Although I wonder daily when God will reveal His plans for my future, for next year, I know He knows what I need to know and when I need to know it.

I also got to share the story with the boys this morning.  They asked if they were going to be blessed by Rice Krispies also... I quickly reminded them they are blessed in many other ways.

It's amazing what God can do with 20 Rice Krispies... and our futures.

Con mucho amor.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas - year 2

How we've been decorating:  It's no secret that Christmas is my favorite time of the year.  Here's my blog post from last year.  This year I wanted to get more creative in my decorating.  I was on Pinterest for awhile looking at different ideas.

I came across this adorable washi tape fireplace.  I combined it with this reindeer.  We added the red nose all on our own.  It is one of my favorite parts of the apartment.

Over half of the apartments in our complex have Christmas lights.  We like to think we inadvertently started the trend with our Halloween lights because at the end of October everyone else had their Christmas lights up.  We strung my long chord of lights on our porch and wrapped it around the curtain.

We used this cute example to create our own Christmas garland above the couch.  We didn't have super pretty ribbon, like their example, but we used gray and green yarn.  My mom and Christin's mom both thought the garland looked like sugar cookies.  I layered and combined it with a chalkboard banner that my mom sent.  

We found some fun window clings that we put in Christin's classroom/our kitchen.  

My bedroom is still a work in progress.  I loved my desk from last year because it looked so nice.  This year I have four cork board squares to work with.  I tried using the same "Joy to the World" signs I made from last year.  I'm not loving the result, though.  Any ideas or tips?

I'm trying to decorate my classroom for next to nothing.  It's one of the rooms I spent the most time in during the day.  I want it to be festive and fun.  I hung another garland, and I added some snowflakes to the chalkboard wall.

I didn't have any green and red construction paper, and I can't really afford to buy more, so I watercolored white paper to make a countdown chain.  Each morning the boys chop off a rung.  Only 18 school days left!

I love making snowflakes.  My friend Lyndi is a professional snowflake maker.  We made some at a Christmas party last week, and we placed those on the doors.  We had thought about wrapping our bedroom doors to look like presents, but I don't have the money to buy all that wrapping paper.  This week I taught the boys how to make them.  They make the chalkboard wall look much more festive.

Here are some other glimpses of Christmas around the apartment.  The weather has been cooler, so it really has felt like fall/winter here in Santiago.  Last night it was in the low 70s and there was a huge thunderstorm.  Not quite sure how I am going to survive the 30s when I am back in Oregon for two weeks.  Only one month left until I head to the US for the holiday.  Not that I'm counting the days... :)

Con mucho amor.      

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Currently Reading

What I've been watching and reading: I have been helping out with the youth group at one of the churches I go to.  Last Saturday we had a special day where we watched the most amazing movie.  It is called Faith like Potatoes.  It is about a Scottish gentleman and his family farming in Africa.  At the beginning of the movie he starts out a rough, mean, angry guy.  God transforms his heart and life and uses him in big ways in Africa.

The condition for a miracle is difficulty, however the condition for a great miracle is impossibility. 

We need faith like potatoes.  Plain, simple, real faith that will sustain us in our everyday lives. 

It is based on a true story, and there is also a book.  I am going to buy it on Kindle and maybe use it with the boys for Bible class in the spring.

We are currently reading Peace Child for our Bible class.  It is the most fascinating book about missionaries in New Guinea in the 1960s.  They are trying to connect to a culture based on treachery and cannibalism.  Every day when I stop reading the boys beg me for another chapter.

Left to Tell by Immaculee Ilibagiza was a book I found on this list of books to read before you die.  I splurged and purchased it from Barnes and Noble this summer, but didn't get a chance to read it until I got back here.  It is the story of a woman during the Rwandan genocide.  It is a heroic tale of survival and forgiveness.  

It is impossible for a person to harbor anger and hatred when their hearts are bursting with love. pg 223

One book that I fell in love with this fall is called One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp.  One of my bosses suggested it for a book to read as a class.  It is too poetic and wordy for the boys, but I loved it.  The main message is to be thankful.  We overlook all the little blessings God showers over our lives.  We get too wrapped up in ourselves.  Ann Voskamp challenges readers to make a list of 1,000 gifts or blessings in their lives. selfishly, skip prayer, complain, go to bed late, neglect cleaning the toilets.  I live tired.  Afraid.  Anxious.  Weary.  pg 27

The hurry makes us hurt. pg 66

The real problem of life is never a lack of time.  The real problem of life - in my life is lack of thanksgiving. pg 72

Thanksgiving is what multiplies the joy and makes any life large, and I hunger for it.  pg 48

A few weekends ago I went to the mountains of Constanza.  It was a wonderful time for me to simply rest, relax, and read.  In a meeting recently and someone mentioned the book Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan.  I purchased the book over the summer for the boys to read.  Many years ago when I was in middle school I remember reading it, but I hadn't opened it since then.  I gobbled it down over the weekend in Constanza.  I could relate and understand so much more now.  There is Spanish mixed in with the English text, just like how Julia Alvarez (one of my favorite authors) writes.

I often use websites that send me an e-mail with cheap or free Kindle books for the day.  Last year around this time I downloaded Sugerplum Homecoming.  I loved the Christmas love story.  This year I am looking for another Christmas-y story.  Any suggestions?

In high school I loved reading realistic fiction.  It was my go-to genre.  Since moving to the DR, I love reading Christian books and books about missionaries.  It is fascinating to read stories about how God is moving and working all over the world.  I also love reading multicultural books, or books that weave in Spanish.  I have been using Thrift Books to purchase novels.  When I spent $50 I get a $5 coupon for my next order.  I also have been buying books on the Kindle app, but I love actually holding books.  It is just challenging to do that here in the DR because there aren't many any bookstores.


  • Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Deibler Rose: This book is also a true story about a woman in a prison camp during WWII.  The girls in the Reyes Academy are reading it at the moment, and this woman had incredible faith to endure the camp.  
  • Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis: This is the story of Katie, a missionary who left her whole life behind in the US to move to Uganda.  She is only 22 years old and has set up a child sponsorship program with over 400 kids getting food, schooling, and the love of Jesus.  
  • Faith like Potatoes by Angus Buchan: The book I talked about above. 
  • A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah: One of the books I purchased for the boys this summer.  It is about kid soldiers in Sierra Leone.
  • Fervent by Priscilla Shirer: The non fiction book that accompanies her movie, War Room.  It is a book about prayer strategy.  
What are you reading?  What is on your book list?  

Con mucho amor. 

When ART and SCIENCE collide

What we're creating: I found this blog on Pinterest showing how to create watercolor rocks.  I loved the idea and knew it would be the perfect way to end our rock and mineral unit.  We watched this short video on geodes, and we looked at various pictures for examples.  It was so fun to watch the boys create these pieces of art.  They especially loved using salt and watercolors together.  I would have loved to have real examples of geodes, or have a geode that we could bust open together.

Here are the examples I made.  I kind of want to get cheap frames for them in the US when I am back in December.  They would be cute to hang.  Maybe I will bring them back with me to Oregon and put them above my dresser in my bedroom there.

Here are the boy's paintings.

At the end of the year I want to do a mini Reyes Academy art show.  We learned about an artist statement, and they wrote one for the "Scream" painting they did on Halloween.  They will also write one for these watercolors.  It is a great way to combine art, science, and writing.

Con mucho amor.

Monday, November 9, 2015

The unexpectable, the inexplainable

Sunday night I sat in a rocking chair in the mountains of Constanza.  It had been a rainy and dreary weekend, and I filled with sadness that it wasn't going to be a pretty sunset.  See, I love sunsets.  And sunrises.  I had zero expectations for what God had up His mighty sleeves.  He painted me this.  It was even prettier in person. 

He can do so much more than we ever think.  This was my prayer as I sat there watching the sky dance with colors. 

God, You amaze me.  

I love the sky.  It is bursting with colors right now.  The purple mountains silhouetted against the blue goldish sky.  You really are the God of wonders.  The fire tipped clouds perch on the end of the world.  

You are a BIG God in BIG moments.  But You also fill me with wonder at the little things.  It's crazy how sunsets can be so ordinary, yet so extraordinary at the same time.  

I love being filled with peace here God.  Help me to bring the peace and quiet and contentness back to Santiago with me. 

Oh God, the colors are changing just like how life changes.  Slowly.  Then all at once.  You are a God of wonders beyond our galaxy.  You are holy, God. 

Full of grace and compassion for Your children. 

You amaze me, God.  

Bring me closer to You.  Tuck me under Your arm.  Keep me safe  Guide my life and turn it into a masterpiece that only proclaims You, my Master.  My artist. 


Monday, November 2, 2015

God is working

What I've been thinking about:  Life is certainly a roller coaster here in the Dominican Republic.  Week #10 was a challenging week.  The boys hadn't studied, they kept making strange noises that were driving me crazy, and we had a whole conversation about responsibility.  Unfortunately they did not let my words about their habits and futures soak in.  I hit Friday, October 23rd feeling defeated and exhausted.

Last Monday rolled around.  I was anxious for the week.  Thursday we had planned to go to the Haitian school, and end the week with a Halloween scavenger hunt around Santiago.  I was stressed.  Tired.  Ready for the weekend.  And it was only Monday...

I noticed someone's Facebook status as I was scrolling on Monday afternoon.  She is a teacher at a Dominican school here in Santiago.  She was asking for help judging a debate in her English class.  I liked her status and thought to myself, "Wow, what a neat opportunity.  Too bad I teach all day."  A few minutes later, she sent me a Facebook messaging asking if my older students and I would like to come judge.  I hadn't even thought of bringing the kids along!

Monday night at Bible study I asked for prayer for the week.  That God would be working in the lives of the kids, and that He would help bring me peace and comfort amidst the chaos.  Boy did He pull through last week.  

"Look to the LORD and His strength; seek His face always." 
1 Chronicles 16:11

Tuesday afternoon we set out in the big van for Colegio Bautista de las Gracias.  Everyone was dressed up and ready.  The boys were going to just observe the debate, while Christin, the girls, and I were going to be official judges.  The whole car ride there the boys were making silly faces and goofing off.  I was worried about their behavior during the debate.  We had talked about listening quietly and not drawing attention to themselves.  

The girls did a really nice job judging.  The debate was about whether cars are good or bad.  The students were very passionate, and it was fun watching their arguments evolve and develop.  The boys sat quietly and respectfully for the whole debate.  I was so impressed.  

Before we left for Yves school on Thursday, we got together as a group to pray.  Two of the mother's of our students were with us.  Corinne, a missionary at New Hope and a friend from my hometown, also joined us.  We were all standing in a circle, holding hands.  Christin opened the prayer, and I said I would close the prayer.  Lately the boys haven't been praying when we are in a large group.  I wasn't sure what was going to happen.

I stood there in silence waiting for people to pray.  Pleading to God for them to open up.  And they did.  Every single person in the circle prayed.  I was brought to tears.  I had never felt God's presence more with my students than in that moment right there.  God is working.  He is touching their hearts.  Bringing them closer to Him. 

Then we went to Yve's school.  We worked with them last year teaching Spanish.  This was our first time going this year, and it went SO well.  The students at the school behaved perfectly.  They participated, they worked well, and they spoke in Spanish.  Our students worked just as hard.  They helped, they drew, they wrote, they encouraged.  I left Yve's school with a smile on my face and a happy heart.  Not because of anything I did, but all because of Him.

"The LORD's lovingkindness indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

After Yve's school we took the kids on a whirlwind scavenger hunt around Santiago.  It was full of candy, costumes, and some trick-or-treating.  We ended at Rosa's house with a pizza party.  It was so much work to put together the activity, but everyone had a good time.  What amazed me the most was that the boys said thank you.  THEY SAID THANK YOU.  Without being prompted, and before the girls said it.  I was amazed.  Normally it's like pulling teeth to get them to say those two simple words.  There have been countless times where I have poured my blood, sweat, and tears into projects or activities for them, and no one has said thank you.  The boys made my whole day when they said that.  It felt wonderful to see some fruit after a year and a half of tending the seed.

"But the seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance." Luke 8:15

Saturday was another big day for me because I shared the message with the girls at the youth group that night.  Sharing with high schoolers can be challenging and scary in English.  Sharing in Spanish pushed me way outside of my comfort zone.  I prepared, I fasted, I prayed.  I left it in God's hands.  I was totally at peace about it until Saturday morning rolled around.  Then I was a bundle of nerves.  There were only 3 girls and 3 leaders (including me) on Saturday night, but it went really well.  We had some great discussions about faith and taking God's path versus our own path.  I never would have thought that I would be doing all that I am here in this country.  Thank You, Jesus for using me.  

La fe es la confianza en que lo que Dios ha prometido o dicho, se cumplirรก.

Today we had conferences with our student's moms.  It went really well.  It has been amazing to grow close to these people over the past year.  I can only imagine all that God has in store for the rest of our time together.  I'll have to look back on this post to remind myself when I am feeling discouraged because GOD IS WORKING IN SANTIAGO.  In my life, in the lives of my kids, in the lives of the girls I serve, in the lives of the families I work with, and in the lives of people reading this blog.  Wherever in the world you are.

"For we walk by faith, not by sight." 1 Corinthians 5:7

Con mucho amor.

It's Finally Fall

**forgot to post from October**

...well at least in our apartment and at the grocery store.  We have all our fall decorations up, and we even found pumpkins in the store last week!  Of course I documented it with a picture.  I was too excited to see a pumpkin.

We decided not to get any pumpkins because they would just rot and melt in the Dominican heat.

Several weeks ago Christin, Jessica, and I traveled downtown to a store called El Encanto.  We spent around an hour wandering and looking at their decorations.  We found fall leaves and cute fall colored fake flowers.  I decided I had to get some.  Last year I did not decorate for fall or do anything for Halloween.  This year I decided to splurge.

Above the couch we have two nails where we string a pretty ribbon or yarn for different banners.  At the beginning of the year we had the word "HOPE" held up with clothes pins.  Next we had these circle yarn weavings of the kids hanging for awhile.  Then I had a readathon banner.  I did not have anything prepared for fall.  I was kind of bummed about having to make something or spend money to create that decoration.

That weekend after we bought fall decorations, I received a package from my mom.  I was so excited to look and discover what treasures she sent me.  I opened it up, and I saw the cutest candy corn banner that fits perfectly between the two nails.  God knew what I needed and so did my mom.

The following week Christin and I were talking about fall scented candles.  Ever since senior year of college I have loved yummy scented candles.  I have Christmas scented candles, I have lavender candles, I have fruity candles, but no fall candles.  The next day my friend Lyndi came over and gave me a house warming present.  She gave me the cutest towel for the kitchen and a mulled cider scented candle!! I was so excited.

Yesterday Christin and I ventured to the mall.  I needed a new cell phone charger because mine broke, and she needed a new phone case.  We walked past a store that seemed like a pharmacy/decoration store.  I saw the cutest pumpkin lights in the window.  They were less than $10 and I fell in love.  We hung them over our sliding glass doors in the living room.  I was so excited for darkness to fall last night.  We lit the cider candle and

Now that I got these cute Halloween lights, I will have to keep the fall decorations up until at least November 5th or 10th.  But after that, bring on the Christmas decorations... :)  My favorite time of the year.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Stepping up my Math Game

What we've been learning: Last year I struggled a lot teaching math.  It is not my favorite subject, and I felt like I was drowning trying to figure out projects and activities and standards for the rest of the classes.  Spring semester the boys were using Teaching Textbooks.  It is a great computer program for learning math.  I only had them doing the program.  We never took notes or did any projects.  It was a challenge because I was trying to fit in a whole year into 4 months.  We covered two years of math content in one.

This year I knew I wanted to make some changes to math.  I wanted to incorporate games, projects, and a math notebook.


We started off the year talking about adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole numbers.  This was a good review for the boys.  I wanted to connect this to the real world.  I gave them each a million dollars.  I wish I had million dollar bills to give them, but I wasn't thinking that far ahead this summer to buy some.  :)  I created my own rubric and guide, but pulled ideas from here.

They had to figure out how to spend the money.  They needed to buy a house, car, college tutition, etc.  They realized the expensive cost of college, they got to think about what kind of house and transportation they would like to have, and they thought about a charity to donate.  It was very interesting to see how much of their million dollars they would give to others.

They also got to splurge and use the rest of their money to buy whatever they wanted.  They realized it is challenging to spend money sometimes.  Isaac bought a wild tiger, Joseph bought an indoor pool, and Andrew splurged on a four-wheeler.


I wanted the boys to see connections between money and decimals.  I had them each come up with their own restaurant.  They each went with a pizza place, but with different themes.  Isaac's restaurant was called Zapped!  He used a clever lightning theme that carried into the names of his options.  Andrew's restaurant was all about the video games.

I had them do some math with eachother's menus.  They had to calculate by hand how much their ideal meal from the restaurant would cost.  They had to calculate how much it would cost if their friend also bought the same meal.  They also needed to figure out how much it would cost if they bought everything from the place.  If I were to redo this project, I would cut that part because it is a challenge to add all those numbers.  I wish the boys would have done a better job slowing down and adding correctly, though.


This was the most recent project the boys completed.  I loved it because it got them out of the classroom, and it got them to interact with adults.  I had them think of a question to ask people, a survey of sorts.  Isaac asked "Who is your favorite superhero?"  Joseph asked people what their favorite Dominican food item is, and Andrew asked about their favorite sport.  The boys struggled with talking to strangers and grown ups, which  is part of the reason I created the project.  They need to be stretched outside of their comfort zones.  We walked around the neighborhood, polling people.  We talked to 15 people as a group, and they needed to ask 15 more over the evening.

Here were some of their final products.  They learned how to create a pie chart in Microsoft Excel, which was a good computer/technology task.  These projects looked a bit better than their menus from the decimal project.


I've been trying to create a math interactive notebook.  I searched quite a bit online for ideas.  I am hoping that taking notes is helping the boys remember the information.  The more times the hear it, the more ways they use it, the more it will stick in their math brains.


We were learning about prime and composite numbers.  We also were learning about equivalent fractions.  We had a game day.  One of the games I found online, the equivalent fraction race.  The boys liked that one because it involved dice.

The other game I created myself.  I used a Guess Who game board that I purchased last year.  I put a bunch of numbers on it, and we played Guess Who with numbers.  Ex: Is your number a composite number?  Is your number a multiple of 3?  Is your number a product of 4?  Is your number prime?  It was super fun, and even included a chocolate bar prize for the winner.


I found this PowerPoint on Teachers Pay Teachers that uses chocolate bars with fractions.  I took her idea and modified it for the specific standards and ideas I wanted the boys to practice.  It took all their willpower to wait until the end of the class period to eat their candy.

What are your favorite math games and activities?