Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Cookie Monster

What we've been eating/doing:  My mom's friend Mrs. Davis sent us some cookies in the care package from my mom.  Mrs. Davis makes these incredible cookies.  If you want to see some of her other creations, check out her Facebook page here.

The first ones we ate were a special treat while we were watching the last Spanish movie for the film unit.  They were Dominican Republic shaped cookies with a heart over Santiago!  The kids loved them.

She also made me US shaped cookies.  We are studying US History so I knew I could incorporate them somehow.  The week after I received the package, we were going to start a book called Bound for Oregon.  It is a novel about the Oregon trail and a family's adventures.  I had the boys map out the Oregon trail on the cookie using the special pens.  They had to label 6 places along the trail, and they had to do some research on those places.  I wish they would have wrote more about the places, but overall it was a fun way to use food and the cookies to visualize the Oregon trail.

Joseph's quote from the day:
"There's nothing cooler than writing on a cookie!"

Other ways to use edible pens/cookies in the classroom:
  • Use the food pens on a slice of bread to draw or illustrate a concept from math or science or history
  • Creating a timeline on food of some sort. 
  • Create picture frame cookies like these ones.  Get mini easles from Michaels craft store and study different artists.  For a final they could use the food pen and the cookie to create a piece of artwork in the style of their artist. 
  • Make a cake to represent a character or theme or novel that was read during English class. We could use the pens to write on the cake (character traits, events, quotes/text evidence). 
How are you using food in the classroom?  

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