Thursday, July 24, 2014

Love Does

What I'm reading: I just finished reading Love Does by Bob Goff.  It took me one day to read.  I gobbled up his words, and I felt like Jesus was speaking right to me while I sat curled up in my blanket.  Lots of the quotes and stories resonated with me.  Some connected with my heart for teaching, while others made me think of my love and passion for traveling and language.  

One of the chapters is titled "Lose the cape."  Goff discusses how Jesus wants us to be secretly incredible people.  He doesn't want us to scream or announce when we do these amazing feats, He wants us to say nothing to anyone (Mark 1:44).  This made me think of teaching.  There were so many days I felt like a secret super hero, quietly saving the world, even when I was thinking I didn't make an impact.

God is a really incredible teacher.  And I am a really poor student.  How many times does He teach us the same lessons, over and over again?  I sometimes don't listen to Him, and I fill my life with distractions.  He still calls me His daughter, His princess, and His beloved.  How often do I still care about students who drive me insane?  The answer: not enough.  I had that revelation last spring during my student teaching.  I never really thought about the direct correlation between how I want to teach and how God teaches me, and the world.  Challenging jobs for the both of us.  

God loves answering our impossible prayers.  Sometimes it feels like when I pray, well, I don't think God is listening.  But I know He is.  I've gotten so much better at praying honestly.  I'll sometimes yell at Him.  Or cry.  Or just sit there.  Because sometimes I just feel like I don't have words for how many incredible things He is doing in my life.  Arranging and rearranging things in ways that only He can. 

The quote above reminds me of this blog post written by pastor Jarrid Wilson.  It's all about stepping out and how God uses change to help transform our lives.  This next phase of my life is all about change.

The epilogue of the book ties back to the title - LOVE DOES.  Goff asks the question "so what should I do?"  I just graduated from college.  I have my whole life ahead of me.  I'm trying to figure out where Jesus wants me to go.  Goff suggests trying to figure out what the next step is.  He writes, "For most of us, that next step is as easy as picking up the phone, sending an e-mail, writing a letter, BUYING A PLANE TICKET, or just showing up.  After that, things start happening.  Things that perhaps have God's fingerprints on them.  You'll know which ones do and which ones don't.  Pick the ones that do" (216).  What a powerful part in the book.  So here I am, God, with a plane ticket to the Dominican Republic for a year.  I think God has some pretty big things up His sleeves for me.  Someone recently told me that they hope I have the strength to do what God is asking of me.  That is going to be my word for the year.

From: here (really great blog post, btw)

God's plan for our lives is pretty simple Goff says.

<< your loves + your passions + your interests + what God said He wants us to be about = the answer >>

What I'm listening to: Suits has an exceptional selection of music each week.  Here are some of my favorites.

All I Want - Dawn Golden

Love Me Again - John Newman

For My Help - Hayden Calnin

Be What You Want - Epic Pop

What's inspiring me: 

From: me, here, and here
Con mucho amor.

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